What we Accept on Consignment

Trendy Casual Styles for the Entire Family

Everyday Wear ~ Denim ~ Outerwear ~ Footwear ~ Casual Dresses to Semi-formal ~ Designer Handbags & Accessories

Children ~ Juniors ~ Men & Women

Consignments Accepted

Monday - Thursday (Preferred)

10am to 5pm  

Friday & Saturday

Please Make an Appointment

Call 580-223-5239 

1 or 2 Large Baskets at a Time Please.  This Helps us  get your items tagged and on sales floor in a timely manner.

Drop off as many times a month as you like! Bring your items in a FLAT Pile, No Hangers.

Or Neatly Folded in your Laundry basket to Prevent from Wrinkling. 

Consignment Guidelines

Items Must BE:

Current Style - Like New Condition - NO holes, stains or Odor

Laid out FLAT or in Large Basket - NO trash bags

Juniors Our Top Seller !

X-Small to Plus Size Casual to Semi-Formal

Jeans & Anything Denim (Only Slacks we accept are Black) We do NOT accept Colored Pants/Skirts

Tops, Sweaters, Hoodies, Jackets (No School logos)

Dresses (No long style)

Designer & Fashion Bags

High End Jewelry (No Fashion Jewelry)

Athletic - All Current Styles in Great Condition


X-Small to Plus Size Casual (No Business Attire)

Purchased within the last 2 years from a Department store. We do NOT accept items from Shein or Outlet/Discount stores. We are Limited on SPACE. We Accept Everyday Wear that can be sold within our 60 day term.

NO Holiday or Specialty items


Small to 2X

Casual & Athletic (No Business Attire)

Denim Jeans up to Size 36" Waist (No Slacks or Suits)

Shorts- Casual & Athletic

Shirts - Hoodies - Jackets - Shoes- Boots

Must be In Great Shape & Ready to Wear


Newborn to 14/16

Size 0/3 to 18 Months -Sets ONLY , It Does Not have to be same Brand but needs to be Same Size.

We do NOT Accept Single Onesies unless it is Designer.

Children: We Accept:

Jeans, Shorts, Dresses, Hoodies, Outerwear & Footwear in Great shape.

Lay ALL clothing in a FLAT Pile So there are less Wrinkles. Children Sets Together, for Faster Processing.

We Sell for the Public on Commission

Your Like-New Family Clothing, Amazing Handbags & accessories on a 50% profit. We pay in Cash.

If the Item is valued over $100, we will pay You 70%. 

We Appreciate our Amazing Suppliers. 

Check your Account Balance Online 24/7 & Pick up your Money Anytime! 

After the 60 Consignment Term you can Pick up your items that did not sell.

It is Consignors Responsibility to pull Unsold Items from our Sales Floor.


How to Bring items into shop..

Items Must be..


1. Make two piles as you are cleaning your closets. helpful Question: "Would I buy this as a Customer?" Yes...bring it to us. NO...please put it in your Donation pile.

2. PLEASE lay items FLAT in a laundry basket or Tub. NO Hangers. WE WILL PASS IF ITEM IS TOO WRINKLED. FIRM. The BEST shape of your items bring the BEST PRICE for YOU. items must be in LIKE-NEW condition. Shoes must be Dust free...Ready to Wear..

Consignor Partners Must Stay until Consignment Intakes are Processed or Pick up Passed items by 6pm the same Day or items are Automatically Donated.


Dear Customers,

It takes A LOT of work from my Bargain Lady TEAM to keep our store Rated #1 in Southern Oklahoma

We Strive for the BEST Customer Service

We are here to Make you feel Welcome and Important to us,

Because you ARE.